Victor Frost
Living on the east coast of the United States for most of his life, Victor is a born and bred New Englander. Having worked on audio since he was a teenager, with the help of his father, a graphics designer, Victor has done work for a number of large companies and organizations. His past clients include MIT Langer Labs, Putnam Investments, and more. Learning the trade and continually refining his techniques as he goes, Victor is proud to call himself an Audio Engineer.
Growing up, Victor loved listening to AM radio shows like “Car Talk” and “The Tech Guy”. Fueled by his goal to one day have a call-in radio show of his own, he moved to Los Angeles and is currently attending California State University Northridge in pursuit of a Bachelors in Radio Production.
Being a fan of Friday Night Party Line since he first heard of it in 2007, Victor had the opportunity to edit the show in 2009. In 2011, he was offered the chance to take over the show after it had taken a nearly two year long hiatus and is now it’s host, producer, and editor.
He also designed this snaaaaaazy website. 😉