A Long Overdue Announcement
Hey folks!
I really should have gotten to this a LONG time ago but, in case you haven’t noticed, there hasn’t been a new episode for Friday Night Party Line or Acceptable Vices in six years.
Truth be told, they were one of the casualties of the Trump administration. FNPL was a current events show and you can only cover the level of insanity Trump put out for so long before things get too hard.
For me and a many of our regular guests, the show had to take a back seat to living our lives. To surviving.
Will these shows ever come back? Probably not. But, in spite of everything, even while writing this, I’m discovering that I’m not ready to say “Never”.
For now, let’s just say these shows are staying on a hefty “Pause”. Maybe they come back, maybe they don’t. But you can always go back in time and hear our thoughts on stuff.
As part of a consolidation of my body of creative outputs, I’ll be working on creating a definitive archive. One lighter-weight than a full blog system. Meanwhile, enjoy the voices of our past.